Archive for May, 2013

Let’s start telling the truth about our faults, failure, sins and mistakes! We can’t just keep prettying ourselves up for public consumption, while we neglect what we really matters. There has got to be more to our lives than comparing ourselves to and competing with other people. If we are in a constant state of […]

God is our greatest comforter, because He is always with us. He sees all that is going on in our lives. He knows what we struggle with  He understands us better than anyone else in our lives. He is truly available 24/7, ready and willing to help us through anything we bring to Him in […]

What God’s grace is and why we need it

Posted: 7th May 2013 by accepted in Uncategorized

The term “grace” is a part of numerous sermons and Christian books, but I think that it’s meaning can be a bit of a mystery. God’s grace is a gift of unmerited, unearned and undeserved favor. Many describe grace as a free gift, because we aren’t being rewarded for something we’ve done, He is simply giving grace […]